Docker: docker install, docker-file creation, and important commands


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Docker: docker install, docker-file creation, and important commands

Docker Installation and important commands

⬤ Create a machine on AWS with Docker installed AMI, and install Docker if not installed. yum install dockeror follow Docker Installation

  • To see all images present in your local.

docker images or docker image ls -a

  • To find out images in the docker hub.

docker search <image_name>

  • To download an image from docker-hub to a local machine.

docker pull <image_name>

  • To give a name to the container and run.

docker run -it --name <container_name> <image_name> /bin/bash [-it → interactive mode and direct to terminal]

  • To check, whether the service is starting or not.

service docker status or, service docker info

  • To start the service.

service docker start

  • To start/stop the container.

docker start <container_name> or, docker stop <container_name>

  • To go inside the container.

docker attach <container_name>

  • To see all the containers.

docker ps -a

  • To see only running containers.

docker ps

  • To delete the container.

docker rm <container_name>

  • Exiting from the docker container


  • To delete images.

docker image rm <image_name> or docker rmi <image_name>

Dockerfile Creation

Docker image creation using existing docker file

  • We have to create a container from our image, therefore create one container first

docker run -it --name <container_name> <image_name> /bin/bash

cd tmp/ [Inside directory to create a file]

  • Now create one file inside this tmp directory

touch myfile

  • Now if you want to see the difference between the base image & changes on it then

docker diff <old_container_name> [D → Deletion, C → Change, A → Append/Addition]

  • Now create an image of this container

docker commit <container_name> <container_image_name>

docker images

  • Now create a container from this image.

--> docker run -it --name <container_name> <update_image_name> /bin/bash

--> ls

--> cd tmp/

--> ls

o/p --> myfile [You will get all files back]

Docker file creation using dockerfile


  • Dockerfile is a text file it contains some set of instruction

  • Automation of docker image creation


For the base image. This command must be on top of the docker file.


To execute commands, it will create a layer in the image.




Copy files from the local system (dockerVM) we need to provide a source, and destination. (We can’t download the file from the internet and any remote repo)


Similar to copy, it provides a feature to download files from the internet, also we extract the file from the docker image side.


To expose ports such as port 8080 for tomcat, port 80 for Nginx, etc…


To set a working directory for a container.


Execute commands but during container creation.


Similar to CMD, but has higher priority over CMD, the first commands will be executed by ENTRYPOINT only.


Environment Variables.


To define the name of a parameter and its default value, the difference between ENV and ARG is that after you set on env. using ARG, you will not be able to access that late on when you try to run the Docker container.

⬛️ Creation of Dockerfile

  • Create a file named Dockerfile

  • Add instructions in Dockerfile

  • Build dockerfile to create an image

  • Run image to create the container

[root@ip...]# vi Dockerfile
FROM ubuntu
RUN echo "Creating our Image" > /tmp/testfile

◼ To create an image out of Dockerfile

docker build -t <image_name> . [-t → tagname , . ← the current directory for this dot]

◼ Check process state

docker ps -a

◼ See images

docker images

◼ To create a container from the above image

docker run -it --name <container_name> <img_name> /bin/bash

⬛️ Ex. Command for next image creation

  • No need to create a new Dockerfile we will just update the Dockerfile.
[root@ip...]# vi Dockerfile
FROM ubuntu
RUN echo "Hello World" > /tmp/testfile
ENV myname Raven_Bytes
COPY testfile /tmp
ADD test.tar.gz /tmp
  • Open Dockerfile with vi remove all and this code

  • We have to create a testfile, test, and test.tar.gz

  • Then build the image

  • Then create the image